Thursday, January 15, 2009

Jaxon is Standing!!!

Jaxon loves to stand!!! He just started pulling himself up on and lean on the furniture, and has even stood a few times by himself!! His favorite things are to open the cupboards and often times take everything out of them! He also loves to stand at my jewelry box and open the drawers and throw everything on the floor. He also loves to pull himself up to Jake's nightstand and take out whatever he can grab before I get him!! Did I mention that I also clean his room a lot?! He pulls all his books off his shelf, and will often times bring me a book he wants me to read-lately it's been Ratatouille! He also loves to pull the blanket off the chair and snuggle with it! This is a pic of him standing at the stairs-I was vacuuming the stairs today-and he thought that was hilarious, but it was even funnier that he was up higher than me!! He thinks he's such a big boy, and he's always so proud of himself!


MaryLynn Gardner said...

Oh how fun! That is so exciting.

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha he looks like Jake in this picture! He's a cutie.. I miss you guys!!!

Jason and Jamie said...

That is exciting that Jaxon is standing! If you figure out how to get Jaxon to put everything back that he empties out let me know!

Jessica said...

Yea for Jaxon! Now he will be even more into everything!