I took Jaxon to the pediatrician on Friday, and he is in the 50% percentile for his weight, 90% percentile for his height, and 95% percentile for the size of his head! He only had to have one shot too, but he screamed for a while after, but that happens every time! The doctor told us we could start him on whole milk!
Then on Saturday night I noticed that he had some small red bumps on the back of his neck, and he had kept tugging at his ears earlier that day, to the point that his skin was bright red behind his ears....I gave him tylenol that night, and just held him for a while before he fell asleep. Every couple of hours I could hear a little whimper, but he was still sound asleep! I knew that he just didn't feel very good, but I knew it couldn't be his teeth because he always is drooling like crazy, and he has a runny nose along with it, but he didn't have either!
On Sunday, he was sitting on my lap in Sacrament, and I noticed red bumps all over his neck, and I looked down his shirt and saw he had them all over his back! Jake took Jaxon out into the hall about four or five times cause Jaxon wasn't the least bit happy. That NEVER happens! Jaxon is pretty much always happy and content! He usually loves to watch all the people around us!
Today I took him back to the pediatrician, to make sure it wasn't a big deal, but I am soooo glad I did go, because Jaxon has Roseola. It's starts as a fever, and then breaks into a rash that starts on your torso and moves to your back and arms and legs! It's unknown how it's caused or how it can be treated except for Tylenol. The doctor gave us some Zyrtec to help alleviate any allergies he may have, and then told me to give him a small dose of Benedryl to help clear it up! I've also been putting Caladryl all over his body. The virus is contageous, and more likely for kids to get than adults, but it is frustrating not knowing how it's caused! It's supposed to last anywhere from 3 to 7 days! I just hope he starts feeling better soon!