Our baby boy has finally arrived! He is so sweet and reminds me so much of Jaxon when he was a baby. His name is Logan Grant Gardner! He was born on April 27, 2011 at 9:24 pm. He weighed 8 pds. 10 oz. and 21 1/2 inches long! I can't believe he is all ready 2 weeks old, but I have enjoying every second of it! He wakes up every 2-3 hours, not at all like his big brother who slept through the night-so that has been an adjustment! He is so alert, and has beautiful blue eyes and blonde hair-which I'm sure will change but I love that for now he is a blondee! I feel like a zombie walking around not being able to think clearly and thinking that everything is hilarious! I'm not a typical new mommy I guess-pain pills tend to either make me really sleepy and generally everything is hilarious (just ask my sister and Jake the few days after I delivered)! There I was April 29 in my hospital bed watching the royal wedding at 4 am because I was up with the baby! The first few days he was up almost every hour! A lot of the staff at the hospital were celebrating the royal wedding! Labor and delivery had name tags of names of many of the royal wedding attendees and they even had cake/cupcakes and made a fun night of it-but ya gotta make some kind of fun when your on the night shift! So that's one thing I'll never forget where I was the day of the royal wedding!
It's fun to see Jake be the new proud daddy again and see him be in a protective role :) I worried about how Jaxon would react, and now I wonder why I felt that way because he is such a GREAT brother! He loves to hold the baby and he tries to sooth him, and checks on him quite often-he too is a proud big brother. Most people who have come to see him are surprised how little he looks because he weighed 8 pds-I think it's because he is so long-he weighed 2 pounds heavier than Jaxon and he is 2 1/2 inches longer than Jaxon! So many of our friends have stopped by to see our little guy and brought gifts and dinner and I'm so grateful! I forget how great it is to have a new baby, and to have that special presence of a new little bundle of joy. I'm trying to take in every second, because they don't stay little for too long, and he's completely worth losing sleep over!
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