This past Sunday Jaxon hadn't been feeling very well. We thought it was a cold, but then he suddenly went downhill really fast. He was having a hard time breathing and he had a high fever, and besides that we knew he just wasnt feeling like himself. That night we had him sleep by us in our bed-but I didn't actually sleep-I kept watching his chest struggle to breathe in and breathe out. We obviously didn't want to take any chances and decided that since there were no pediatricians open at midnight we would rush him to the ER. As soon as we got to the ER, he was rushed in the back rooms where he immediately had tests ran, and had breathing treatments. All the nurses, techs, and doctors were soooo unbelievably nice and patient with us. We knew our little boy who means everything in the world to us was in good hands. I knew we were in the right place. Finally at 4 am he was admitted from the ER at the new hospital to the old hospital-he liked going for a ride in the bus and seeing all the lights everywhere. By this time he'd had various tests ran and he'd had it with tubes in his nose and masks on his face-but he was really a good boy even when he felt his worst. He was finally released at 10:30pm but we had to go pick up his presriptions so we didn't end up getting home till almost midnight.
The doctors/nurses still don't know what may have caused all this, which is quite frustrating, but we were very impressed with all the people and how helpful everyone was. He is doing breathing treatments at home-which is difficult at times, but he does have a little bit of his spunk back-which we are so grateful for! He is a tough and brave little boy! We really have appreciated all the thoughts and prayers. One of my friends even dropped of some essential oils that I'm excited to try-I'm so grateful for my family and friends-it's so calming to know that we have friends/family who have been deeply concerned and have offered everything they can to help us. Thank you so much-I hope that from now on Jaxon will continue to feel better and better!