We have been so busy lately! I can't believe how fast summer went and now the temps are changing and it's getting colder! I'm so excited for Fall-it's my favorite time of year! I just wanted to give a little update on what we've been up to for the last couple months....Jaxon is very very busy! He's of course into everything and loves to eat any kind of candy, and he loves movies, cars/trucks, and planes! He always gets so excited to hear the airplanes flying and gets sooo excited whenever he sees any kind of machinery (I think he might be thinking it's his daddy operating the machinery!!). He is really noisy, and is constantly yelling at the tv...which is hard for our friends little girls to get used to because girls are so soft spoken and just quite...Jaxon definately didn't inherit that trait, but we love it! He has a great sense of humor, and pulls the funniest faces! He still loves music and loves to dance, and look at books! He is almost two, and all of a sudden I've realized what the terrible two's really mean! ;)
Jake has been working, working, working-which we are both grateful for but sometimes I worry about him because he's such a workaholic! I started back to school full time and we are both busy with our callings...I recently got put into Young Womens and I've felt very overwhelmed with everything but I love the girls and I'm looking forward to getting to know them! Jake is in with the elders and we both love the guys he's serving with! I recently went thru the temple, and we are very much looking forward to being sealed soon! Time has gone by so fast, and I cant wait to be sealed to our family forver! I'm so grateful for our friends and families who have lovingly supported us in so many ways! Our lives are hectic, but we are enjoying every minute of it, and we couldn't be happier! Thanks for all your support!